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Friday, May 13, 2011

Mia's Bedroom

So the reason I am able to bring you all these updates is because Mia has graciously gone to sleep so I could do this. Actually she is quite the good little sleeper these days, as are most newborns, so I decided to use this nap time to stay ahead on my blog. I know all my post now are going to be everything Mia, but one last little note on Mia and sleeping was that she slept 5 1/2 hours last night without waking up! Since we have brought her home she wakes up about every 3 hours so last night was a real treat for both Eric and I. I'm hoping it was not just a one night thing :)

Anyway, about the bedroom, I actually have had Mia's room put together for awhile now, but just never got around to taking picture of it or posted about it, as I here are some pictures of Mia's room. I had so much fun putting her room together and making all the things for it!

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